Corner of 53*30th Street,Chan Aye Thar San Tsp, Mandalay

Awards and Distinctions



  • 2 Students got 10 A*s
  • 11 Distinct ICE awards
  • 10 students got 7 A*s
  • 28 Outstanding awards in CheckPoint exams
  • 13 Full Scores in CheckPoint exams

Universities and Colleges Attended by MISA Graduates from the Last Ten Years

●        Abbey College Cambridge

●        Alatoo International University

●        Assumption University

●        California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

●        Cass Business School London

●        Cornell University

●        Curtin University

●        James Cook University

●        King’s College London(KCL)

●        Les Roches Global Hospitality Education

●        Middle East Technical University

●        Myanmar Institute of Information Technology(MIIT)

●        Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology(RMIT)

●        Sunway College

●        Swinburne University of Technology

●        Taylor’s College

●        The State University of New York

●        University College London(UCL)

●        University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA)

●        University of Central Lancashire

●        University of Melbourne

●        University of Manchester

●        Virginia Tech