Corner of 53*30th Street,Chan Aye Thar San Tsp, Mandalay






GRADE Percentage Range(%) Grade Descriptor
A* 90-100 Student experienced excellent achievement
A 80-89 Student experienced excellent achievement
B 70-79 Student experienced good achievement
C 60-69 Student experienced satisfactory achievement
D 50-59 Student experienced limited achievement
E 40-49 Student experienced only minimal achievement
U Ungraded / Not Yet Assessed  








Indicator Descriptor
EE Exceeds Expectation
ME Meets Expectation
AE Approaches Expectation
BE Below Expectation
N\A Not applicable at this time

Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation

GPA is computed using the above quality points. Beginning with Year-10, all subjects, whether passed or failed, are included in the computation. A minimum of 5 IGCSE subjects must be taken to complete the Secondary Education Level. A minimum of 3 A Level subjects must be taken to complete the High School Graduation. We use Unweighted grades when calculating the GPA. Grades are recorded on the transcript and GPA is computed in May.