Corner of 53*30th Street,Chan Aye Thar San Tsp, Mandalay


Spanning 11,440 square meters, MISA serves the educational needs of Mandalay region. Located in one of the state's growing areas, the district enjoys a diversified economic base. Currently, the city consists of 18 International Schools, 30 private local schools and 28 government high schools. MISA’s student body is culturally diverse with a population that is about 90% Myanmar, 5% Central Asian, 2% Indian and others.



Mandalay International School of Acumen is a comprehensive K to 12 private international school, in primary and high school campuses; the high school enrolling up to 400 students in grades 6–12 (Year 7-13). The school opened in 2004 and graduated its first senior class in 2009. Mandalay International School of Acumen is registered at the Cambridge Assessment International Education as Cambridge International school, holds membership in the College Board and is recognized by the UCAS.



The school offers the Cambridge International programmes throughout, starting from primary school to A Levels. For lower secondary level (Key Stage 2: Year 7, 8 and 9) the school offers Cambridge Lower Secondary CheckPoint Curriculum, where students sit for CheckPoint external examinations at the end of Year 9.
For Upper Secondary, Key Stage 3,these International General Certificate in Secondary Education (IGCSE) courses are offered: Physics, Extended Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Information and Communication Technology, Biology, Chemistry, English as a Second Language, English as a First Language, Chinese as a Foreign Language, Chinese as a Second Language, German as a Foreign Language, Business studies, Economics, Accounting, History, Global Perspectives.
In addition, these A level courses are offered: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Information Technology, Mathematics and English for Academic Purposes (EAP).


GRADE Percentage Range(%) Grade Descriptor
A* 90-100 Student experienced excellent achievement
A 80-89 Student experienced excellent achievement
B 70-79 Student experienced good achievement
C 60-69 Student experienced satisfactory achievement
D 50-59 Student experienced limited achievement
E 40-49 Student experienced only minimal achievement
U Ungraded / Not Yet Assessed  








Indicator Descriptor
EE Exceeds Expectation
ME Meets Expectation
AE Approaches Expectation
BE Below Expectation
N\A Not applicable at this time

Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation

GPA is computed using the above quality points. Beginning with Year-10, all subjects, whether passed or failed, are included in the computation. A minimum of 5 IGCSE subjects must be taken to complete the Secondary Education Level. A minimum of 3 A Level subjects must be taken to complete the High School Graduation. We use Unweighted grades when calculating the GPA. Grades are recorded on the transcript and GPA is computed in May.


Class of 2023

There were 50 graduates in the Class of 2023.

  • 11 earned a 4.0-3.5
  • 19 earned 3.0–3.49
  • 13 earned 2.50–2.99
  • 5 earned 2.0–2.49
  • 2 earned less than a 2.0
  • Our students have showcased their brilliance with a remarkable total of 72 A*, 64 A, and 54 B grades across 295 subjects.
  • But that’s not all – we have some outstanding individual performances that deserve special mention:
  • Aye Chan Oo: 10 A*
  • Myat Htet Ko: 7 A*
  • Nang Thiri: 7 A*
  • Min Kaung Zan: 7 A*

Standardized Test Results

100% of the Class of 2023 (295 subject entries) took the IGCSE 100% of the Class of 2023 (12 subject entries) took the A-level
Languages 31A* Mathematics 3A
Mathematics 11A* Sciences 3A*
Sciences 20A* Creative and Professionals  1B
Creative and Professionals 9A*
Humanities 1A*

Universities and Colleges

Post IGCSE Placement

  • 40% matriculated to foundation programs
  • 26% matriculated to A Levels
  • 10% matriculated to IBDP
  • 10% matriculated to a 2-year College
  • 4% selected work or technical instruction

Awards and Distinctions, 2019-23

  • 2 Students got 10 A*s
  • 11 Distinct ICE awards
  • 10 students got 7 A*s
  • 28 Outstanding awards in CheckPoint exams
  • 13 Full Scores in CheckPoint exams
Universities and Colleges Attended by MISA Graduates from the Last Ten Years
●        Abbey College Cambridge

●        Alatoo International University

●        Assumption University

●        California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

●        Cass Business School London

●        Cornell University

●        Curtin University

●        James Cook University

●        King’s College London(KCL)

●        Les Roches Global Hospitality Education

●        Middle East Technical University

●        Myanmar Institute of Information Technology(MIIT)

●        Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology(RMIT)

●        Sunway College

●        Swinburne University of Technology

●        Taylor’s College

●        The State University of New York

●        University College London(UCL)

●        University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA)

●        University of Central Lancashire

●        University of Melbourne

●        University of Manchester

●        Virginia Tech